Eleventy Notes


Eleventy Notes provides a number of collections that you can use in your notes.


collections.notes contains all your notes:

    // The title of the note
    title: 'My Note',

    // The list of tags
    tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'],

    // Filename without extension
    fileSlug: 'My Note',

    // Filepath without extension
    filePathStem: '/My Folder/My Note',

    // The URL of the note
    url: '/n/my-folder/my-note/',

    // The date of the note
    date: new Date()


collections.tags contains all tags and their notes:

    // The display name of the tag
    label: 'tag1',

    // The url of the tag page
    url: '/tags/tag1/',

    // The list of notes that have this tag
    notes: [
        // See the notes collection above for the properties