Eleventy Notes


This is my Eleventy Notes homepage. All content within is tecnically a placeholder since it's just mirroring the files in my current digital garden.

You will find within a wide range of topics, expanding and exploring ideas across multiple disciplines. In a way, you could say the scope of work for the website is not only allowed to, but expected to grow. Forgetful Notes embraces the inherent rhizomatic learning and web-like nature of our thinking. It is a living document designed for an audience of one, myself.

  • Want to learn more about me?
    Check out the About page.
  • Want to read more of my material?
    Visit my Blog.
  • Want to learn more about the site?
    Review the site's Meta page.

I leave you with some fun quotes. Feel free to stop by the Quotes.

"The problem with your sink is that I have no idea how to fix it."

"I only wrote that poem to test my printer!"

Thanks for visiting. Please tell your dog I said Hi! 🐶